Sunday, August 23, 2009

11 hours to go

Typically I am a last minute packer, where I don't really take care of things until right before I leave. And even then I'm running around the house throwing things that I might need into my bag. However, right now I am actually ready to go with everything packed. And my plane doesn't even leave for another 11 hours (6am).

I started packing this past week, which seems to have helped me be more prepared. Packing wasn't all I've had to do though. Taking care of a bunch of paperwork for my staging and saying goodbye to everyone was also a priority.

People are always asking me if I'm nervous or excited. For some reason I'm really not very nervous and I don't really know why. I usually try to take things in stride, doing the best that I can, but realizing that when the unexpected happens, you just have to work with what you have. I feel as if that attitude has helped me make the transition smoothly so far. I may not be nervous, but I am very excited. It's something I've been prepping for the past two years (when I first opened up my Peace Corps application) in some way or another and it is all finally coming into place.

The reality of the trip is really hitting me now, and I can see things progressing minute by minute. The reality that I am so far prepared for this journey has also hit me, and I am ready for all the change that is going to come.

Here is how things are going to go down:
Tomorrow morning my parents are driving to Chicago O'Hare, leaving home at 2am (real early). My flight leaves for Miami at 6:00am and arrives in Miami at 9:50. From there I will find my way to the Crown Plaza at Miami airport. I should have a little time to kill then. At 2:00, registration for my staging will begin and I don't know exactly what will happen with that. At 3:00 I can check into my room if it isn't ready yet (I'm supposed to check into my room before I register for staging, but check in doesn't start until after registration. Figure that one out). From 3:00-7:00 we will have training on the Peace Corps background, anxiety and aspirations for service, risk management (woohoo!), and more departure stuff.

On Tuesday morning we have check out at 5:15am, leave the hotel at 5:45am, then our flight leaves for St. Lucia at 10:35am.

So far it sounds like stuff I can handle.

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